**Establishing two principal dimensions of cognitive variation in Logopenic Progressive Aphasia**
This repository contains source code for behavioural analyses conducted in Ramanan et al. (https://doi.org/10.1101/767269)
For more information, please contact: siddharth.ramanan@sydney.edu.au or muireann.irish@sydney.edu.au or matt.lambon-ralph@mrc.cbu.ac.uk
Contents and directory structure
Copies of submitted and revised preprints from BiorXiv
Behavioural analyses:
1. MATLAB code for Principal Components Analysis - Please note, the subfolders here contain code for both Probabilistic PCA that is used for imputing missing data, followed by box-standard PCA that forms the main statistical analysis in this study. The statistical code for the Probabilistic PCA and box-standard PCA has been modified from code written by Dr. Ajay Halai, The University of Cambridge, UK (Ajay.Halai@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk).
2. R code for behavioural analyses
Additional tools:
Voxel-based morphometry conducted using SPM (https://www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/)