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These datasets are complied of previously published data, incorporating proxy information on sea surface and terrestrial temperature in the Southern Ocean and high latitude Southern Ocean around the Eocene-Oligocene Transition (EOT), ~34 million years ago. They are broken down into aprroximate time slices of: - Late Eocene absolute temperatures - Early Oligocene absolute temperatures - Relative changes across the EOT Also included are information on the palaeolocation of each site. The datasets are included in detailed (.xlsx) and simplified (.csv) format. The latter was used in the analysis stage of the research, in combination with a series of Matlab scripts. The associated analysis and model-data comparison (Kennedy-Asser et al., 2020, Climate of the Past) has also been added and should be able to be recreated with Matlab R2017a or newer. In future it is hoped this dataset can be expanded and built upon. All inquiries should be directed to
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