**Additional References:**
“MisInfo” Dataset:
- Fatemeh Torabi Asr and Maite Taboada (2019) MisInfoText. A collection of news articles, with false and true labels. Dataset.
“Fake and Real” Dataset:
- Ahmed H, Traore I, Saad S. “Detecting opinion spams and fake news using text classification”, Journal of Security and Privacy, Volume 1, Issue 1, Wiley, January/February 2018.
- Ahmed H, Traore I, Saad S. (2017) “Detection of Online Fake News Using N-Gram Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques. In: Traore I., Woungang I., Awad A. (eds) Intelligent, Secure, and Dependable Systems in Distributed and Cloud Environments. ISDDC 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10618. Springer, Cham (pp. 127-138).
In the case of the Manually obtained articles, they were obtained directly from public fact-checking sources Snopes and Politifact.