**SOBP - 2018 Reproducible Neuroimaging Symposium**
Links to Slides
1. Frazier: **Combining data resources to elucidate subtle details of brain development** [https://osf.io/8whtf/][1] - [(CC BY 3.0)][2]
2. Padhy: **The impact of data science on the integration and reporting of experiments**
3. Halchenko: **Variability of the Neuroimaging results across OS, and how to avoid it** https://osf.io/nhfyz/
4. Martone: **The big data landscape, My FAIR Data.** https://osf.io/x7rnc/
[1]: https://osf.io/8whtf/
[2]: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/