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A growing literature shows that music increases prosocial behavior (Clarke et al., 2015). Why does this occur? We propose a novel hypothesis: Evidence of others’ musicality may promote prosociality by leading us to judge musical individuals as having enhanced moral standing. This effect may be largely indirect, by increasing perceptions of how intelligent and emotionally sensitive musical individuals are. If so, simply knowing about others’ musicality should affect moral evaluations, such as wrongness-to-harm. Across four experiments (total N = 550), participants were introduced to a host of characters, and asked which of each pairing of characters felt more wrong to harm. We manipulated musicality across matched character pairs, with one character described as musical, one not described as musical, and one described as explicitly non-musical (all matched for length/style). In all experiments, we found supportive evidence (all ps < 0.01). Information that an animal or person had the capacity and motivation to engage with music led participants to judge them as more wrong to harm than matched neutral or non-musical counterparts. Similarly, knowing that a person was not musical made people judge them as less wrong to harm than neutral or musical counterparts. As predicted, musicality was positively associated with perceptions of emotionality and intelligence; These broader factors partially mediated the relationship between musicality and wrongness to harm. Effects were not influenced by participants’ own musicality. Thus, non-moral attributes like musicality are deeply interwoven with moral decision-making, carrying implications for social behavior and for interventions to promote prosociality.
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