These data contain 42 participants performing a binary choice reward-based learning paradigm, while we recorded the electroencephalogram, electrooculogram and electrocardiogram simultaneously. The paradigm is described in "State Anxiety Biases Estimates of Uncertainty in Volatile Environments and Impairs Reward Learning". Thomas P. Hein, Jan de Fockert, and MarĂa Herrojo Ruiz. doi:
The state anxiety group comprised of participants [20, 21, 23:35, 3843], and the control group were [1:19 22 37]. These correspond to the experimental state anxiety group (StA) and control group Cont), respectively, described in the manuscript.
Data in the repository are behavioural performance data (reward-learning, in the player structure) and EEG files in BDF format (Biosemi 64 channels, srate 512Hz). The ECG signal was recorded bipolarly in the external channels 67:68. EOG was recorded bipolarly in channels 65:66).