The script confirmatoryAnalyses.R contains the code for the confirmatory analyses that were conducted.
The script exploratoryAnalyses.R contains the code for the exploratory analyses that were conducted.
The script plannedAnalyses.R was uploaded along with the preregistration. For a large part, the confirmatoryAnalyses.R and plannedAnalyses.R scripts are the same, except in cases when the model specification was data-dependent.
To run the confirmatory analyses, download confirmatoryAnalyses.R, as well as all of the .csv files from the [Processed data][1] component except the two that end in "_SRvsLD". Open confirmatoryAnalyses.R and read the notes, then run the script.
To run the exploratory analyses, download exploratoryAnalyses.R, as well as the two .csv files from the [Processed data][1] component that end in "_SRvsLD". Open exploratoryAnalyses.R and read the notes, then run the script.
The analysis results of both the confirmatory and exploratory analyses are saved in [experimentOverview.xlsx][2], with a separate sheet for each analysis.