In this file, put all your data files [that can ethically be put on the OSF. The OSF is not HIPAA compliant]. This might include:
* Raw data
* Cleaned data (if cleaning data is time intensive, you may want to save an intermediate cleaned data set that you mainly work off, but also have the raw data and the code to get from raw to clean data)
* Codebook/data dictionary (should definitely include this)
* The dataset that you're going to make public if this is different from those above (This might arrise if you can't share all the columns in your dataset b/c of privacy, or if you're sharing a synthetic dataset that mimics the properties of the actual data b/c you can't share the actual data for legal/ethical reasons)
* Data from quality control studies/pilot testing of IVs/DVs
If you have a lot of datafiles, especially if they're of different types or need/will need different privary settings think about using subfolders or components (if need different privacy settings) for organization.