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**Scission demos by Bart Anderson and Jon Winawer** This site includes 8 images demonstrating lightness illusions based on principles described in these two publications: - Anderson BL, Winawer J. (2008) Layered image representations and the computation of surface lightness. *Journal of Vision*, 8(7):1-22. doi:10.1167/8.7.18  - Anderson BL, Winawer J. (2005) Image segmentation and lightness perception. *Nature*, 434(7029):79-83. doi:10.1038/nature03271  To use any of these images, please include two citations: 1. For any of the 8 images, cite this OSF site according to the citation instructions on [the front page][1]. For example, APA style: Winawer, J., & Anderson, B. L. (2017, June 14). Scission and Lightness Illusions. Retrieved from 2. For images 1-7 cite reference 2 above (Anderson and Winawer, 2005) 3. For image 8, cite reference 1 above (Anderson and Winawer, 2008). For details about copyright and usage, see the Creative Commons licence information on [the main page of this site][2]. The 8 images are: I. A pair of high resolution images showing the chess version of the scission lightness illusion, with and without the background, and a high resolution image of the disc version of the scission lightness illusion, adapted from Figure 1, Anderson and Winawer (2005). 1. [anderson_winawer_hires_chess.tif][3] (2232 × 2027 pixels) 2. [anderson_winawer_hires_chess_no_background.tif][4] (2232 × 2027 pixels) 3. [anderson_winawer_hires_moons.tif][5] (4960 × 2480 pixels) II. A pair of images showing the chess version of the scission lightness illusion, with and without the background, adapted from Figure 1, Anderson and Winawer (2005). 4. [anderson_winawer_chess.gif][6] (396 × 400 pixels) 5. [anderson_winawer_chess_no_background.gif][7] (396 × 400 pixels) III. A standard, rotated, and ringed version of the scission lightness illusion, adapted from Figure 1, Anderson and Winawer (2005); Figure 2 Anderson and Winawer (2005); Figure 9, Anderson and Winawer 2008. 6. [anderson_winawer_moons_std.tif][8] (2048 × 1024 pixels) 7. [anderson_winawer_moons_rotated.tif][9] (2048 × 1024 pixels) 8. [anderson_winawer_moons_rings.tif][10] (2048 × 1024 pixels) The images are copyrighted and may only be reproduced with explicit, written permission from the authors. **Copyright (c) 2014,2017 Jonathan Winawer and Barton Anderson** [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: [10]:
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