We present here a collection of tutorials to teach ACLEW coders the basics of ELAN (the software we use to code) and the basics of the coding conventions we will use (the ACLEW DAS).
If you would like to be contacted when updates or edits are made to the tutorials and participate in discussion around usage, please join the listserv (aclew-das@googlegroups.com) and/or the Slack channel (darcle-annotation.slack.com). You can also contact the ACLEW team directly at aclew-das@babylanguagelab.org with any questions. The tutorials linked below are always the most recent versions to date.
Thanks to the work of Leslie Marie-Louise, [French versions](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1msrBSEcF37N6EcWE0du0q-2-4OxHhzVd1Bpii0E_zQY) of the tutorials are now available! Please bear in mind that the tutorial in French may not be a translation of the most recent version of the English tutorials and has not been carefully proofed.
To cite the ACLEW-DAS, please use:
Soderstrom, M., Casillas, M., Bergelson, E., Rosemberg, C., Alam, F., Warlaumont, A. S., & Bunce, J. (2021). Developing A Cross-Cultural Annotation System and MetaCorpus for Studying Infants’ Real World Language Experience. *Collabra: Psychology, 7(1),* 23445.
**Part 1: Laying the foundation**
The first set of tutorials are aimed at teaching coders how to use the annotation software ELAN and about the basic setup of the annotation scheme.
There are three tutorials in Part 1. Because the look and layout of ELAN is slightly different on Mac and Windows operating systems, please follow the sequence of tutorials relevant to your operating system:
[Tutorial 1 (EN): How to set up a new file](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Js58IvLRk1momI0u3b3ta2xBc3kQwgqNSdiAmPnD-uA/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 1 (ES): Crear un nuevo archivo](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ZZ6xQu9r3HeEled08Lbxx_42O7bzAxmE_jFcWNVo0oQ/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 2 (EN): Introduction to the annotation scheme](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EVbmfEHGgI_avD9XhMG8QoadsCRFnzOICfT-pO5wN5A/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 2 (ES): Explicación general del sistema de anotación](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1fP80faCU99cnX_HGUvdCBoobejemLZXioqJxUu_9ipk/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 3 (EN): How to navigate and make annotations](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16-kmIJZXwUavRk1pezd4fhctRE9za687kLEC_zp5uAc/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 3 (ES): ¿Cómo navegar y anotar en ELAN?](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14eU2_tgj4ASSkH0TM9Y1yLXwL6oB9KREWcRBgJqgEO8/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 1 (EN): How to set up a new file](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jxjIfUIu1c8S0WpT8U5lPIlaS5XQ3mDdBWYSUF5ntd4/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 1 (ES): Crear un nuevo archivo](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EhN0llSzbRtI0RAaKVC_m8LpgglLzDyhHI4DGalbIw8/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 2 (EN): Introduction to the annotation scheme](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BPaxV5ojBx-AHcpTjGznJCcN-ilkdocLVFhN1-VHbgk/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 2 (ES): Explicación general del sistema de anotación](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aWwuHWDJ4vA2CLfybvpjUtkKu0rmbyQeCZBifx2FrkI/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 3 (EN): How to navigate and make annotations](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10JwlQyLy-M4aNGVQk0tLeapygFVmnrYgXUNPBNxBE0Q/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 3 (ES): ¿Cómo navegar y anotar en ELAN?](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19SzHKqhPiwcPtVNZhWFGWBjIbWX7Z_ZIIzz_uS5FHPQ/edit?usp=sharing)
**Part 2: Adding meaningful annotations**
The second set of tutorials are aimed at teaching coders what the different annotations mean and how to apply them to the speech they hear in the audio clips. They will help us to be sure that things like "child-directed speech", vocal maturity codes, and spelling of transcribed speech is as consistent as possible across coders.
Because these tutorials should apply equally across any operating system/annotation software, there is only one set listed below:
[Tutorial 4 (EN): Adding speakers and utterance boundaries](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14SKqFyiTML9aaPjoKqN6MtHUiJ175xyNR89e31v7Qf4/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 4 (ES): Líneas de hablantes y segmentación de los enunciados](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Huq8r8czJ5QTKVWjO2hSsOzoiaL6QaJr_uAoW6EctEw/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 5 (EN): Coding Vocal Maturity (vcm)](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Xij0h1nSIG8ufb2AQNllZNDCZCym_ekM9Aly07fV9YQ/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 5 (ES): Codificación de la madurez vocálica (vcm)](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yHdOIAFpMLjYWjtfiyn7qs3HwgEE3FyJ8yWWtkqRCjc/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 6 (EN): Coding lexical (lex) and multi-word utterances (mwu)](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10fL1amRipTaSDl_4JZKAa2KbUOyMr_hwnIVhghI_crs/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 6 (ES): Codificación del estaus léxico (lex) y de enunciados multi-palabras (mwu)](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/10reBSwJpFjqOwmUTjBZSTDuPSTZdaQNhj-eV8jzOf4c/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 7 (EN): Coding addressee (xds)](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cf810EEBznUQVzn3CHUH2rO5q4ASgFoLZSb88DZOoPM/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 7 (ES): codificación del destinatario](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pPTMKBj5Rlju5B8h-dfZqOLlvq6q0RpNcC-rbUKFroE/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 8 (EN): Standards for transcription in English (ACLEW minCHAT)](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1WXlAR4JHrdvaavyv86ZJiKk7DCr9iPs3VAX9ls4CPjY/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 8 (ES): Convenciones de transcripción en Español (ACLEW minCHAT)](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JbievyzZ3xL99CfQhqVUesyQ-bCZyxDd1cS9GUlmRnQ/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 9 (EN): Final checks before submission](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1q6ewPmc1WS86ENFMIyu7yLI80xD7NvFhgr29EgUvSEc/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 9 (ES): Revisiones finales antes del envío](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1z_D8F4INL2-cb6OlPTyv4McGvGcu7R2018f0ByM8cN0/edit?usp=sharing)
**Part 3: Certification to annotate**
The final tutorial is aimed at assessing a coders readiness to the use the ACLEW DAS on real data. This tutorial ensures that all ACLEW annotators have received standardized training and are being held to as consistent performance standards as possible across coders and labs. To download the training files, click [here](https://osf.io/b2jep/files/).
[Tutorial 10 (EN): Training and Testing Procedures](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19ULKJQ5zW6aJfOVlDyD5wOnflOMjdC7IxChy02fkNI4/edit?usp=sharing)
[Tutorial 10 (ES): Verificá tu desempeñó en relación a un Estándard de Excelencia](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1zTEpr-i5slldyzAfufKITjQcf52tjAvRAapWs4156Bw/edit?usp=sharing)
[ACLEW Annotation Scheme: Gold Standard Test (EN)](https://aclew.shinyapps.io/GSCompareApp/ )
[ACLEW Esquema de Anotación: Prueba de Gold Standard (ES)](https://aclew.shinyapps.io/GSCompareAppEs/ )
[ACLEW Gold Standard ELAN templates, audio files, and comparison files (EN)](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Axt3ylxWel-6swMfZAO-dFaPqfqdTcLl)
[ACLEW Gold Standard ELAN templates, audio files, and comparison files (ES)](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1VigpKH11EjyYMqqITfXEBCNG5kXISWMy)
**Workflow Quick Reference Guides**
These guides are designed as desktop quick reference to assist annotators with the essential functions of the ACLEW annotation work flow.
[ACLEW ELAN Quick Reference](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1l9dnwJu0hrmBSclj_kFarxaBz20jWFk8)
[ACLEW ELAN Flowchart](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-Qs6o-5DZbVUiQIp7iAkzwDtHTOxZM2v)
**Corpus Specific Workflow Deviations**
The following guides provide corpus specific information for work patterns that deviated from the standard ACLEW workflow.
[CONICET workflow for ACLEW annotation](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uPNbj0o64fDVCHx7H8BGcOwF-ti2D9xO)
Electronic media has been handled differently across the different corpora and across the different sampling sets. Note that all the files have had child-directed media segmented and tagged with the annotation "O".
This information is summarized in the Google sheet [Electronic Media Annotation Across Corpora](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EsLWHxwg0PFLI-RFjmwCfvtgvmSm5TH7bcH3jWhVf-E/edit?usp=sharing).