This repository holds seven files.
1. **contact_CRD_Data.xlxs:** the data file that the meta-analysis is based on
2. **contactCRD_Output.pdf:** This pdf file includes the sample statistics and the models that we ran. It does not include all of the code.
2. **contactCRD_FullKnittedMarkdown.hmtl:** this html file is the expanded version of the output. It includes R code used to code our variables.
3. **contact_CRD_Analysis_Markdown.Rmd:** the R markdown file. Use this file if you are interested in running some of the models yourself.
4. **CRDPowerSimulation_AsScript_V01.R** the R script file that runs the sensitivity analysis.
5. **CRDPowerSimulation_Viewer_V01.pdf** the knitted markdown file. Use this file is you are interested in the results of the sensitivity analysis.
6. **CRDPowerSimulation_Viewer_V01.Rmd** the markdown file which outputs the results of the sensitivity analysis.