**Project outline for 2010_4**
*Keywords: psych verbs; Japanese; duration*
This was a norming study to get judgments for likely duration (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years) for the stimuli used in 2010_5.
Hartshorne, O'Donnell, Sudo, Uruwashi, Lee, and Snedeker (in press). Psych verbs, the Linking Problem, and the Acquisition of Language. Norming study for Exp. 7.
1. Joshua Hartshorne
2. Jesse Snedeker
**Data Collection**:
Amazon Mechanical Turk
Two lists following the stimulus orders used for the main experiment. Control trials changed to 2 stimuli that are obviously long-lasted (life-long interest) or obviously short-lasting (stab of pain). Participants recruited on Amazon Mechanical Turk. 16 participants -- 8 in each condition. Additional excluded: dyslexia (1), low accuracy on control trials (6).
Roughly -- low accuracy was anyone who thought "life-long interest" lasted on the order of weeks or less, or anyone who didn't rate the "long-lasting" control trials at least 2 points longer than "short-lasting" control trials.