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This OSF project accompanies the manuscript: Olschewski, S.\*, Spektor, M. S.\*, & Le Mens, G. (2024). Frequent winners explain apparent skewness preferences in experience-based decisions. *Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences*, *121*(12), e2317751121. The project is organized as follows: 1. **Analyses.ipynb**: A Jupyter ( notebook that runs the main analyses reported in the manuscript and generates. 2. **Figure 1.ipynb** to **Figure 4.ipynb**: Jupyter ( notebooks that create the respective figures in the manuscript. The Python package *matplotlib* needs to be set up to use *LaTeX*, otherwise the text will not render correctly. 3. **Modeling.ipynb**: A Jupyter ( notebook containing the model-fitting procedure for all computational models reported in the manuscript. This notebook needs to be run before Figure 2 and Figure 4 can be created. 5. The folder **data** contains the anonymized data from each of the studies. 6. The folder **figures** contains all figures created by **Figure 1.ipynb** to **Figure 4.ipynb**. 7. The folder **temporary_files** is for temporary files required for the analysis pipeline. It contains *continuous_outs.csv* and *discrete_outs.csv* that are reproducible example sequences for Figure 1 and *trial_sampling.svg* which was created externally. All other necessary files will be created as part of the analysis pipeline. 8. The file **SkewnessPreferencesSI.pdf** contains the supplemental material for the manuscript. Correspondence should be sent to Sebastian Olschewski ([][1]) or Mikhail Spektor ([][2]). [1]: [2]:
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