Setting and striving for goals is a key part of any psychological therapy, but people often struggle to translate their goal intentions into action.
One technique that has been shown to help people with mental health difficulties to achieve their goals is implementation intentions (Toli, Webb, & Hardy, 2016).
Implementation intentions (Gollwitzer, 1999; 2014) are specific if-then plans that link opportunities to act with suitable responses. However, mental health therapists do not typically use implementation intentions in their clinical practice.
Therefore, we have created a training program on implementation intentions for mental health therapists to help their clients achieve their goals. There are two available training modalities:
1. Interactive online video for individuals (20 minutes).
2. Powerpoint presentation with handouts to be delivered as a face-to-face group workshop (1-2 hours) .
Please feel free to use any of the training resources for yourself, or to train other mental health professionals without any cost.
The only thing that we ask for if you do use our resources, is that you please let us know where you used our resources, with how many people, and what the result was. We would like to continue improving our resources, and find out more about how they are being used.
Thank you!