**Project outline for 2013_6**
*Keywords: psych verbs; emotion verbs; trials of the heart; Mandarin*
**Overview:** Subjects determined who, if anyone, was at fault for specific emotional events. Follow-up to 2010_2. In that experiment, tested 50 verbs, but many turned out not to be emotion verbs. Re-doing with only emotion verbs listed in Mandarin VerbNet. 16 verbs (8 of each type) were tested in both experiments, allowing for some replication.
Hartshorne, O'Donnell, Sudo, Uruwashi, Lee, and Snedeker (in press). Psych verbs, the Linking Problem, and the Acquisition of Language. Data for Exp. 7.
1. Joshua Hartshorne
2. Jesse Snedeker
**Data Collection:**
March 2013, in Taiwan at National Tsing Hua University
**Stimuli:** 25 ES and 25 EO verbs. Chose emotion verbs from Mandarin VerbNet which in my own list are listed as transitive and as "the experiencer must experience" -- with the exception of one subject-experiencer verb, since there were only 24 otherwise. Since there were more than 25 available EO verbs, excluded additional verbs that were tested in 2010_2.
Note that 8/25 verbs of each type were tested in 2010_2. Made first list by randomizing order so that never more than 3 ES or EO verbs in a row. List 2 is same list, but with subjects and objects reversed. Lists 3 and 4 are Lists 1 and 2 in reverse order. Unlike in 2010_2, no names were re-used across trials.
**Procedure:** Unlike 2010_2, the order of possible responses was subj, obj, neither. This was done to make it more like the English version.
Thanks owed to Yi-Ching Su (NTHU), who allowed her students to be tested.