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This OSF project contains the experimental materials and analysis results of the pedestrian path choice behaviour experiment performed in Singapore in 2019. The __goal__ of the experiment was to investigate the human behavioural, physiological and psychological response to exposure to the sun in the hot tropical climates on the example of Singapore. Behavioural, survey and physiological data was collected simultaneously during the experiment to facilitate the study. [The study was pre-registered][1] on 1st June __prior to data analysis__, after the dataset was completed (labelled). Currently published data are: - consolidated dataset used in the analysis of pedestrian path choice behaviour in the folder `behaviour_analysis` - data is stored in `behavioural_data.csv` - description of the data columns is given in `README.txt` - `conda_specs.txt` contains full specification for the Anaconda Python environment used to run the analysis. Run the command specified in this file to reproduce the computational environment needed to run the analysis. - `analysis_final.ipynb` contains the python code reproducing the analysis and figures from the manuscript. - experimental materials (survey form, instructions, consent form, etc.) in the folder `eperimental_materials`. - __The experimental procedure__ from the point of participant is described in the document `Participant_instructions_and_survey.pdf` - __The procedure of data collection__ from the point of experimenter is described in the document `researcher_memo.pdf` Further data folders and eventually the complete raw dataset will be published as soon as the further analyses (e.g. of physiological signals) are complete and are ready to be published. In some earlier files the terms "task booklet" or "task set" are used, those denote what is called "choice set" in latest terms. Previously we called "summer [task] set/booklet" the choice set #1 and "winter [task] set/booklet" the choice set #2. [1]:
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