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**What is this?** This is the permanent repository for the open materials, data, code, and text for Marghetis, McComsey, and Cooperrider (accepted). Cognitive Science. **How can I use these files?** ![CC BY-SA 4.0][1] [These files are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.][2] **Where can I read the paper?** A preprint is freely available on the PsyArXiv: **How should I cite the paper?** Marghetis, T., McComsey, M., and Cooperrider, K. (accepted). Space in hand and mind: Gesture and spatial frames of reference in bilingual Mexico. Cognitive Science. **What can I find here?** This OSF project page includes all data, materials, and analysis code to reproduce the results of the paper: - Preprint of the manuscript: "Space in hand and mind - Manuscript - final.pdf" - Supplementary materials: "Space in hand and mind - Supplementary Methods and Analysis - final.pdf" - Manual for coding gesture in the Toppling Blocks task: "Toppling Blocks - coding manual.pdf" - Analysis folder: Data files and R scripts - Videos folder: Video of the tasks being performed at the fieldsite; video of the 'Toppling Blocks' stimuli, as presented to one participant **What can I do with these files?** - You can read the paper (in preprint format) and the accompanying supplementary materials. - You can watch the videos in the Videos folder to see how our tasks were implemented in the field, and to see the exact stimuli we used in the Toppling Blocks task. - You can reproduce our analyses with the R scripts and data files in the Analysis folder. [1]: [2]:
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