This component contains instruments used in the one-time assessment and experience sampling survey in both Serbian and English.
The process of iNAR and TCAM item selection for ESM is fully outlined in the corresponding files. To be able to run the code, please download the [WP2 dataset][1] and place it in the same folder as the analytic scripts. Running the Rmd files will generate the relevant results, and knitting the file will produce the html output. The code can be run in chunks, producing relevant output in the Rmd file itself. If you just wish to view the html file, you can simply download it onto your computer.
- `iNAR_ESM_item_selection.Rmd` is the R Markdown file which contains the analytic code used in item selection for the final 5-item version of the instrument, iNAR-5-ESM.
- `iNAR_ESM_item_selection.html` is the html file which contains the output for the analyses regarding item selection for the final 5-item version of the instrument, iNAR-5-ESM.
- `TCAM_ESM_item_selection.Rmd` is the R Markdown file which contains the analytic code used in item selection for the final 9-item version of the instrument, TCAM-9-ESM.
- `TCAM_ESM_item_selection.html` is the html file which contains the output for the analyses regarding item selection for the final 9-item version of the instrument, TCAM-9-ESM.