Welcome to the page that supports files for [Statstools.com][3] and [the Statistics of DOOM YouTube channel][1].
**[Statistics of DOOM Channel][2]:**
Dr. Erin M. Buchanan's YouTube channel to help people learn statistics by including step-by-step instructions for SPSS, R, Excel, and other programs. Demonstrations are provided including power, data screening, analysis, write up tips, effect sizes, and graphs. Help guides are provided for specific course material for beginning statistics using the Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences textbook by Nolan and Heinzen.
This Statistics Tools website is maintained by Dr. Erin Buchanan and her team of graduate students, it ties together all of the resources listed below into one convenient location.
[1]: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMdihazndR0f9XBoSXWqnYg/feed
[2]: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMdihazndR0f9XBoSXWqnYg/feed
[3]: http://statisticsofdoom.com