**Original citation.** Janiszewski, C., D. Uy. 2008. Anchor precision influences the amount of adjustment. Psychological Science, 19,121–127.
**Target of replication**. The finding we reproduced is related to effect of anchor precision on the amount of adjustment. The key prediction was that increased anchor precision leads to decreased adjustment.
**A priori replication criteria.** A successful replication would find a statistically significant difference between the amount participants adjusted from precise and imprecise anchors.
**Materials, Data, and Report** Study materials can be found in the [materials][1] component of this project. Raw data and the analysis script can be found in the [dataset][2] node. The [full report][3] appear in the final report node.
**Conclusions.** The present replication of Study 4b from Janisewski & Uy (2008) largely replicated the original results. Overall, all observed findings were weaker than in the original study. The effect of motivation was about half the size reported in the original study, and the effect of anchor precision was about a third of the size reported in the original study. We did not observe any evidence of an interaction between motivation and anchor precision, despite having sufficient experimental power. One possible explanation for the generally lower effect sizes is that our sample was collected from a dining hall, and may have thus been more distracted than the sample used by Janiszewski & Uy (2008).
[1]: http://openscienceframework.org/project/AaUDL/node/sD4uV/wiki/home
[2]: http://openscienceframework.org/project/AaUDL/node/i5vw4/
[3]: http://openscienceframework.org/project/AaUDL/node/EHYr4/files/Chandler_intro_methods.docx