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#### Avoiding costly mistakes in groups: The evolution of error management in collective decision making Code for "Avoiding costly mistakes in groups: The evolution of error management in collective decision making" by Alan Novaes Tump, Max Wolf, Pawel Romanczuk and Ralf H.J.M. Kurvers published in PLoS Computational Biology This reprository contains the following parts: Code for run the Evolutionary Algorithm: - Run the evolutionary algorithm `EA_simulations_cluster.R`. - Diagnosis and plots are done with `EA_analys_cluster.R`, which also saves the results in LaTex tables. - Further analysis can be performed in `Static_analysis.R` to make Fig. 3 - 4. - Diagnosis and figures of the sensitivity analaysis are done in `EA_sensitivity_analysis.R` - All other R files are used within the above mentioned code. Subfolders with results: - `\ServerResult` containing the saved results of the evolutionary algorithm - `\final_plots` containing final figures for talks and paper - `\EA_results` containing html files for visual inspection of the simuation. If you have any questions or issues running the code, please do not hesitate to contact us via:
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