### No cardiac phase bias for threat perception under naturalistic conditions in immersive virtual reality
*Felix Klotzsche\*, Paweł Motyka\*, Aleksander Molak, Václav Sahula, Barbora Darmová, Conor Byrnes, Iveta Fajnerová, Michael Gaebler*
**\* : equal contribution**
📌 **Preregistration:** https://osf.io/szvhk
💽 **Data:** https://doi.org/10.17617/3.KJGEZQ
💻 **Code:** https://github.com/eioe/vrcc_analysis
📑 **Preprint:** https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.01.31.578172v2
📜 **Paper:** <under review>
🐺 **Demo of the experiment:** https://osf.io/2m8h5
As we used commercial assets, we cannot share the source code of the VR experiment. However, to give readers the possibility to experience how the experiment looked from the participant's perspective we provide this compiled version of the experimental software. This executable should work using a HTC Vive Headset (and SteamVR v2.0.1) but also runs without VR hardware. We tested it on Win11.
1. Download & unzip the entire folder.
2. Run `Corridor.exe`.
3. Use the `ENTER` key next to the numpad (very right of the keyboard & not present on many laptops; normal `ENTER` key does **NOT** work) to proceed every time input is required. Without VR hardware (HTC Vive + Controller), you cannot perform the distance estimation task but you can look at the stimulus presentation. Instructions on how to look around are displayed in the top left corner of the screen during playtime.
**Code contributors (Unity implementation):** [Václav Sahula](https://www.nudz.cz/kontakty/detail-osoby/vaclav-sahula-1), [Barbora Darmová](https://www.linkedin.com/in/barbora-darmov%C3%A1-0b1b5382/?originalSubdomain=cz), [Felix Klotzsche](https://github.com/eioe/)