The TBIMS National Database is a prospective, longitudinal, multicenter study that examines the course of recovery and outcomes following the delivery of coordinated acute neurotrauma and inpatient rehabilitation care.
As of July 2016, the database contained information on 15,000 individuals admitted for inpatient acute TBI
rehabilitation, and was representative of the over 150,000 adults who experienced TBIs severe enough to require hospitalization and inpatient physical rehabilitation in the United States.The TBIMS National Database (ND) is the
largest longitudinal database of TBI in the world and includes data on pre-injury, injury, acute care, rehabilitation,and outcomes at 1, 2, and 5 years post-injury and every 5 years with information on persons, so far, up to 25 years post-injury.TBIMS ND has been used to inform research, treatment, and policy to benefit individuals with TBI and their families. For further information, visit our Web site at