**Table of Contents**
> **Updates**
An updated version of the OSF folder is available. During the review process, we noticed an error in the preprocessing of the multilevel model: We had swapped the order of centering the level 2 variables and converting the dataset to a long format. Therefore, we reran the multiverse analysis concerning the social jetlag and updated the results. However, the results did not change considerably.
Follwing R scripts changed: Multilevel_model.R, randomslope_randomintercept.R
> **Codebook**
Description of the data and pre-processing procedures including app categorization, specification of extraction functions, and resulting behavioral variables.
> **Data**
Due to the personal information in our data, we cannot publish the raw dataset. However, we provide aggregated data which includes
- the dataset containing all self-report and behavioral measures (two versions taking into account different codings of weekend)
- the categorization of apps used across all participants
- item scores for personality assessment
- imputed datasets (for clustering and EFA)
> **Scripts**
- **Features** contains the scripts we have written to extract our features. Please note that we publish them to make our pre-processing transparent. However, the scripts cannot be executed as we cannot provide our raw data.
- **Analyses** contains all scripts used for data analyses according to research questions.
> **R Package Management**
For better reproducibility of our analyses, we managed our R packages by means of packrats.
- **List.packages** contains a listing of used packages.