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If you have information relevant to this meta-analysis, please consider getting in touch ( or filling in [an anonymous form][1] (which takes less than 5 minutes). You may be interested in a [blogpost summarizing some highlights from this project][2]. Many auxiliary files to this meta-analysis, on infant distributional learning, are stored on google drive, in a folder with viewing rights shared with the world, or on OSF space, also publicly viewable. The following is a description of each component or folder. # Analyses * MA_AGL_sounds_db.Rmd: R markdown (created in Rstudio) script used to generate the basic databases used in the rest of the process (stored in a folder called output, whose contents are described in the next component). * MA_AGL_sounds_ma.Rmd: R markdown (created in Rstudio) script used to generate the analyses reported on in the manuscript. * MA_AGL_sounds_sm.Rmd: R markdown (created in Rstudio) script used to generate additional analyses reported as supplementary materials. # Ouput The scripts in analyses generate all of the following ancillary documents: * db_sounds_raw.Rdata: the google sheet for the meta-analysis, stored in R format prior to any modifications. * sounds_all_perExp.txt: one row per experiment, effect sizes code the effect for that experimental group (i.e. within unimodal OR within bimodal); ALL experiments (i.e., prior to exclusion) * sounds_final_perExp.txt: the same, after exclusion (e.g., missing effect sizes) * sounds_all_paired.txt: one row per paired observation experiment, effect sizes code the effect comparing across bimodal and control group; ALL experiments (i.e., prior to exclusion) * sounds_final_paired.txt: the same, after exclusion (e.g., missing effect sizes) * MA_AGL_sounds_ma.RData: contains all the objects generated while performing the main meta-analyses reported in the manuscript (i.e., the objects containing the meta-analysis fit). * sounds_corr_imp.txt: results of resampling-based imputation of correlations. Each row corresponds to one study, each column to one cycle of imputation. # Reports PDF results of knitting the three analysis scripts. # PRISMA Documents * PRISMA Flowchart AGL_sounds: Flowchart representing graphically all stages of study retrieval and selection. * PRISMA_checklist AGL_sounds and AGL_phonotactics: Checklist recommended in the "Preferred Reporting in Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses", detailing where in the manuscript (or elsewhere) key information on the meta-analysis has been noted. * AGL_sounds_decision_spreadsheet: Contains details of all studies that were considered, when they were excluded and why, as well as details of all the searches carried out, by whom, dates, etc. # InputFiles * AGL_sounds_MAdata: spreadsheet containing entered data used for the meta-analysis # Other files * 1049_Cristia.pdf: The write-up of a study that was included in the present MA, but only exists "publicly" as a poster presentation. * AGL_sounds_measurements.pptx: record of measurements to retrieve mean and SD from a graph, carried out in powerpoint [1]: [2]:
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