### The Open Science Initiative at the Institute for Educational Quality Improvement at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (IQB)
was founded in 2020 in an effort to advance Open Scholarship within the IQB and become part of the Open Science movement in Educational Research. The initiative is member of the [German Network of Open Science Initiatives][1]. The initiative
- holds regular meetings to discuss experiences and questions of its members
- regularly invites external speakers to give talks on Open Science related topics
- provides training in Open Science practices by giving internal and external workshops
##### **Current and Former Members of the Initiative**
| Name | Duration of participation |
| ------ | ----------- |
|Quirin Boemmel| (2022-current)
|Jule Burblies | (2023 - current)
|Sarah Gentrup |(2020 - current)|
|Louisa Groß-Hardt | (2023 - current) |
|Nicklas Hafiz| (2022 - current)
|Sophie Livia Harms|(2022-current)
|Aleksander Kocaj|(2020 - current)|
|Claudia Neuendorf |(2020 - current)
|Christin Rüdiger | (2020 - current)
|Kristin Schotte| (2020 - current)
|Kristoph Schumann| (2022 - current)
|Lisa Ann Tinkl| (2022 - current)
|Chenru Hou|(2022- 2023)
|Cornelia Gresch|(2020 - 2021)|
If you are interested in joining one of our meetings which are currently held online, just send a mail to any current member (contact information here: [https://www.iqb.hu-berlin.de/institut/staff/][2]).
[1]: https://osf.io/tbkzh/ "NOSI"
[2]: https://www.iqb.hu-berlin.de/institut/staff/ "members"