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The repository includes the data, scripts, figures, and stimuli used in running the music preference experiment. The content of each folder is described below: 1. **Simuli:** Each of the 16 recordings used in the experiment are listed within the folder. There are 8 songs total. The song name is denoted after the underscore in the file name. The first two letters in the file name denote the following: - *WH:* Western song played on haegeum - *WC:* Western song played on cello - *KH:* Korean song played on haegeum - *KC:* Korean song played on cello 2. **Questionnaires:** This contains the questionnaire that caregivers filled out for the study in Korean and translated English. - *Questionnaire.pdf*: Includes questions related to infants' experience with Korean and Western music and instruments. 3. **Data:** Data files necessary to run the scripts are in this folder. If you attempt to run the scripts on a local machine, denote the location where these files are downloaded as it must be specified in the *Rmd* script if the data is saved in a different location than the *Rmd* script. - *music_clean.csv:* This file includes results of the experimental task including looking time to the 16 songs for each participant. This file is required to run both *.Rmd* files in the Scripts folder. - *survey_clean.csv*: This file includes individual participant characteristics including age, gender, and answers that caregivers gave to the music exposure survey items. This file is required to run both *.Rmd* files in the Scripts folder. - *CDI_scores.csv*: This file includes the M-B CDI scores for a subset of the infants who returned a year later. This file is required to run the *Supplementary_Analysies.Rmd* script. 4. **Scripts:** R-markdown files that can be run using the datafiles in the data folder are available. Additionally, HTML versions of each R-markdown file are available for easily examining analyses without having to re-run the script. The scripts are: - *Music_Analyses.Rmd*: This file includes the main analyses presented in the manuscript. It requires the *music_clean.csv:* and *survey_clean.csv* data files. It also creates *Figure1.png*, *Figure2.png*, *Figure3.png*, and *Figure4.png* in the Figures folder. - *Supplementary_Analyses.Rmd*: This file includes supplementary analyses mentioned in the manusciprt. It requires all the data files in the Data folder and creates *mCDI.png*, *Western_Inst.png* and *Korean_Inst.png*, and *Figure5.png* in the Figures folder. - *Music_Analyses.html:* The html version of the *Music_Analyses.Rmd* file. - *Supplementary_Analyses.html*: The html version of the *Supplementary_Analyses.Rmd* file. 5. **Figures:** All figures available in the manuscript are saved here. These figures can also be created with the scripts in the Scripts folder. - *Figure1.png*: This graph is generated in the *Music_Analyses.Rmd* script. - *Figure2.png*: This graph is generated in the *Music_Analyses.Rmd* script. - *Figure3.png*: This graph is generated in the *Music_Analyses.Rmd* script. - *Figure4.png*: This graph is generated in the *Music_Analyses.Rmd* script. - *Figure5.png*: This graph is generated in the *Supplementary_Analyses.Rmd* script and is known as *Familiarity.png* there. - *mCDI.png* : This graph is generated in the *Supplementary_Analyses.Rmd* script. - *Western_Inst.png*: This graph is generated in the *Supplementary_Analyses.Rmd* script. - *Korean_Inst.png*: This graph is generated in the *Supplementary_Analyses.Rmd* script. This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (2021R1I1A2051993) and Institute for Information & communications Technology Planning & Evaluation (IITP) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (2019-0-01371, Development of brain-inspired AI with human-like intelligence).
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