These archives contain stimulus presentation code for various pRF mapping protocols. These require MATLAB and the Psychtoolbox 3. The Common_Functions folder must be on your path for these experiments to work.
The code allows you to change various parameters, including the TR and stimulus dimensions etc. You can also use this code to generate apertures for the pRF analysis. The default TR is set to 1 sec and other parameters are set as follows:
This contains two different stimulus protocols:
*Bars*: 25 bar positions (one step per TR) traversing the visual field in 8 directions (steps of 45 deg). Every four sweeps is a blank period of 25 steps. The standard carrier stimulus is a black-and-white ripple stimulus.
*Locappiser*: There are multiple cycles of wedge rotation and ring expansion/contraction within the same run. Interleaved in between those are blank periods. In addition, the carrier stimulus of the stimulus apertures alternates in blocks between natural images and phase-scrambled counterparts thereof. See Stoll et al., 2020, NeuroImage, for more information.
This is a combined wedge+ring design of shorter duration than the standard Locappiser. Also, while it uses natural images as carrier patterns, it does not include phase-scrambled carriers, so it isn't an LOC localiser (but that can be changed in the stimulus, if desired).