**What can you find on this TRANS-ID Recovery repository?**
**[The detailed study procedures][1]**
To provide insight into the procedural density of the intensive longitudinal data collection of TRANS-ID Recovery, we made the detailed study protocol available, [here][1].
**[The ESM questionnaire][2]**
The full ESM questionnaire is available in English (translated, with construct per item) and Dutch (original), [here][2]. During the four-month experience sampling (ESM) period, our 41 participants have filled in the questionnaire five times a day (~550 observations p.p.). This typically took approximately two minutes to complete.
**[The Duration-adjusted Reliable Change Index][3]**
For improvements in depression, at what time scale (days, weeks, months) can a shift towards fewer symptoms be considered both ‘sudden’ and ‘large’ enough for it to be understood as a “critical transition”? We have adapted the Reliable Change Index (RCI; Jacobson & Truax, 1991) to be able to detect clinically relevant changes, adjusted for the time it took for that change to take place: the Duration-adjusted RCI (DaRCI)
**[Detecting impending symptom transitions using early warning signals in individuals receiving treatment for depression][4]**
Preprint of the project's primary study, which aimed to answer: do early warning signals precede depressive symptom transitions toward improvement in individual patients during treatment?
[1]: https://osf.io/85ngu/
[2]: https://osf.io/a8572/
[3]: https://psyarxiv.com/q7ch9/
[4]: https://psyarxiv.com/vf86s/