This day is dedicated to watershed delineation and hillslope extraction. First the relevant concepts are given. Then the [Horton Machine][1] tools are used to get the desired results.
Morning session
- [Planning the catchment analysis: the seven steps of hydrological analysis][2];
- The catchment landscape: form, organization, types;
- Hydrogeomorphology: the basic theory;
- Exercise with DEM for extracting the basic features.
Afternoon session
- Hydrogeomorphology: the derived quantities;
- Exercise with DEM for extracting the derived quantities;
- Hydrogeomorphology: hillslope-link partition of the basin;
- Exercise on hillslope-link partition of the basin;
- The GEOframe Input builder new tool.
[Here][3] you can find the test case presented during the School, and [here][4] the template of the OMS project to try out your own case study.
[Blog page][5] - [GWS2022 index][6]
_The GEOframe group_