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This repository includes data, scripts, and other information related to the manuscript. The content is divided in the four folders as described below. 1. **Methods:** This folder includes files relating to stimuli, task, and coding of productions. - *Acceptable Words.xlsx:* This file contains a list of the final stimuli words and includes accepted and not accepted alternative words. - *Task Instructions English.docx:* This document includes the script that participants were read during the task in English. - *Task Instructions Spanish.docx:* This document includes the script that participants were read during the task in Spanish. - *Transcription Instructions.docx:* This document includes 2. **Data:** This folder includes datafiles used in analysis. - *Participant_Characteristics.csv:* This file contains participant level variables such as scores on standardized tests, self-ratings of language proficiency, age, and gender. It is required to run the *Code-switching_Analysis.Rmd* script. - *Experimental_Data.csv:* This file includes transcribed productions for each trial as well as coded variables for analysis. It is required to run the *Code-switching_Analysis.Rmd* script. 3. **Scripts:** This folder includes the R-Markdown to recreate the main analyses in addition to an html version that does not require any data to be downloaded. - *Code-switching_Analysis.Rmd:* This script requires both the data files in the Data folder to be downloaded locally. Note where they are saved as this has to be specified in the script if hey are saved in a different location than where the R-markdown script is opened from. This script creates Fig1.png and Fig2.png in a separate Figures folder. - *Code-switching_Analysis.html:* This file includes the input and out put of the *.Rmd* version of the script and does not require the downloading of any data files. 4. **Figures:** Mansucript figures are available here. - *Fig1.png:* Mean code-switching in each condition by cognate status of the target word. Mean and standard error bars with individual data points aggregated by participants. - *Fig2.png:* Mean disfluencies in each condition by cognate status of the target word. Mean and standard error bars with individual data points aggregated by participants.
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