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Category: Project
Description: The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships of environmental factors and personal factors with social entrepreneurial intention. Specifically, this study addresses four research questions. • First, do environmental factors (e.g. social support; social norm; psychological safety; funding support; education support) have any direct impact on social entrepreneurial intention? • Second, do personal factors (e.g. personal attitude; positive psychological capital; morality) have any direct impact on social entrepreneurial intention? (Curry, Jones Chesters, & Van Lissa, 2019) • Third, is there any correlation between environmental factors and personal factors? • Fourth, what is the direct and indirect effects of environmental and personal factors on social entrepreneurial intention? IRB Registration: Federal Registration # IORG 0003969 IRB # 19-070104 P.I. Name: Jeonghwan (Jerry) Choi Research Advisor: Project Title: An Integrative Approach to Social Entrepreneurial Intention: Impacts of Environmental and Personal Factors The project identified above has been reviewed and approved by the IRB (IRB Identification number: IRB00004706). The approval is only effective for this research study as described in your application. You are expected to conduct the study in compliance with OHRP regulations and adhere to all University policies and ethical standards.
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