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**Data files:** *control_data.csv* Acoustic measurements of control speakers (L1 Mandarin) *subject_5000.txt, subject_5500.txt, subject_6000.txt* Acoustic measurements of experimental participants (L1 English), subdivided by LPC settings used for formant extraction in Praat *subject_data.csv* Contains information about participants' age, scores on predictor measures (auditory, somatosensory, phonological awareness), and training condition (biofeedback type, vowel order, control speaker). Contains no identifiers. *subjs_E.csv* Acoustic measurements of experimental participants' productions in English, used to compare variability across L1 and L2 Scripts corresponding with data files: *YUS_results_FINAL_for_release.Rmd* Placing this file and data files in the same directory, setting path to that directory, and knitting the document should result in a reproduction of the results reported in this study.
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