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# Data Records This repository has quantitative data, psychometric data, thermal data, and videos of Naturalistic Driving Study (NAT1). ## Naturalistic Driving Study (NAT1) ### Quantitative Data - Treatment Files The quantitative data folder holds comma separated value (csv) treatment data files - one for each subject. In addition to the columns holding the row order (Column A) and time (Column B), there are columns holding physiological data (Columns C - D), columns holding vehicle variables (Columns E - H), and columns holding geographic variables (Columns I - J). - **Column C: pp**: Values of the perinasal perspiration signal during the treatment in $^{\circ} \mathrm{C}^{2}$. - **Column D: pp_nr5**: Values of perinasal perspiration after using a low-pass filtering method based on FFT. - **Column E: Accelerator**: Accelerator pedal position (in degree). - **Column F: Brake**: Brake pandle position (in degree). - **Column G: Steering**: Steering angle. - **Column H: Speed**: Speed in km/h. - **Column I: IN_Lat**: Latitude. - **Column J: IN_Long**: Longitude. - ### Quantitative Data - Baseline Files The quantitative data folder also holds comma separated value (csv) baseline data files - one for each subject. In addition to the columns holding the row order (Column A) and time (Column B), there are columns holding physiological data (Columns C - D). - **Column C: pp**: Values of the perinasal perspiration signal during the baseline session in $^{\circ} \mathrm{C}^{2}$. - **Column D: pp_nr2**: Values of perinasal perspiration signal during the baseline session after using a low-pass filtering method based on FFT. ### Videos Folder Each folder in this folder consists of 4 video files for a particular participant. For baseline videos, participants only sit in the parking car in approximate 5 minutes without any tasks or stressors. For Naturalistic Drive (NATD), participants drive on road around the Texas A&M neighborhood. - **Subject00_Baseline.avi1.avi**: Facial view of Baseline. - **Subject00_Baseline.avi2.avi**: Front view of Baseline. - **Subject00_NATD.avi1.avi**: Facial view of Naturalistic Drive. - **Subject00_NATD.avi2.avi**: Front view of Naturalistic Drive. ### Psychometrics Data - **Column B: Sex**: Gender. - F $\equiv$ Female - M $\equiv$ Male - **Column C: Age**: Age. **NASA TLX** - A state psychometric administered upon completion of NATD to gauge the loading this task induced to participants. NASA TLX (Hart & Staveland) features six sub-scales with common rating [1=Strongly disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Somewhat disagree, 4=Neither agree or disagree, 5=Somewhat agree, 6=Agree, 7=Strongly agree]. - **Column T: Men**: NASA Mental Demand - Perceived mental load induced by NATD. - **Column U: Phys**: NASA Physical Demand - Perceived physical activity induced by NATD. - **Column V: Tem**: NASA Temporal Demand - Perceived time pressure induced by NATD. - **Column W: Per**: NASA Performance - Perceived success in executing NATD. - **Column X: Eff**: NASA Effort - Perceived amount of work expended to achieve the said level of NATD performance. - **Column Y: Frus**: NASA Frustration - Perceived level of irritation in performing NATD. - **Column J: TYPE AB**: - **Column K: TAI**: - **Column L: SAI**: - **Column M: ATTENTION**: ## References Hart, S. G. & Staveland, L. E. Development of NASA-TLX (Task Load Index): Results of empirical and theoretical research. In Hancock, P. A. & Meshkati, N. (eds.) Human Mental Workload, 139–183 (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1988). Buddharaju, P., Khatri, A. & Pavllidis, I. Software for: S-Interface (formerly OTACS). (2018). ## Data Citations (TBU)
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