**Using R for data cleaning and data wrangling - Paul Thompson**
Hopefully you have successfully [installed R][3] and [RStudio][2] by this point, if not pleasedo so before you continue.
You will need to download the R script called "script for cumberland lodge_thompson.R" and "simulated_TEF_data.csv" files from the "Thompson" folder found on OSF [here][1].
The script for simulating the data is also in this folder but details will not be covered in that session. I would be happy to discuss the details in any of the free time slots throughout the week.
You will also need to run the following R code snippet to download required R packages:
list_of_packages = c("assertr","tidyverse","MASS")
new.packages = list_of_packages[!(list_of_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
Copy the code into R command line, and then press Return. Hopefully, this should run without errors.
[2thout errors.
[1]: https://osf.io/94db2/
[2]: https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/#Desktop
[3]: https://cran.r-project.org