This [script]( plots the integrated currents for zones in a Webnucleo XML file.
To use, first download the file by typing
**curl -o -J -L**
Use the script on an output Webnucleo XML file (in this example, called *out.xml*). This will be an output from a Webnucleo network calculation, but, to obtain an [example](, type
**curl -o out.xml -J -L**
Then plot the integrated currents from *out.xml* in particular zones (in this example, the first 10 zones) for a set of nuclei selected by XPath by typing
**python out.xml output --zone_xpath "[position() <= 10]" --induced_nuc_xpath "[z >= 10 and z <= 20 and a - z <= 20]"**
The *pdfs* of the plots (labeled by zone labels from the XML file) are left in the directory *output*.