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## **Literature** #### **This section is for you to keep and organize literature related to your project or experiment.** Keeping all your literature a single location will be useful for any written work and as quick references to documents you may be referring to in your work. Additionally, this allows research groups and collaborators to easily share any documents that may be useful to the project. In order to manage your citations ECU Libraries has provided a guide to [citation management][1]. Note that of the three citation managers only Zotero and Mendeley may be directly linked to OSF. In order to manage your literature you now have a few different options. - Use the OSF storage or a third-party storage service of your preference to keep relevant articles as files. **Only upload articles that are free and open-source. Do not upload anything taken from journals or other copyrighted works.** - Link your Zotero or Mendeley account folder to this component and compile literature there - Use the wiki to keep permanent links to relevant, open-source articles - Use any combination of these! Ultimately the decision of how to organize your papers is up to you and your collaborators so choose a method that makes the most sense for your project. For a guide on attaching your citation manager to this component please follow the appropriate link: [Mendeley][2] [Zotero][3] Additionally, a Zotero folder with references on quantitative research, qualitative research, mixed method research, and data analysis have been cited on the main page of this component as an example of a linked Zotero folder. Alternatively, Grand Canyon University has a [series of modules][5] that cover a wide variety of research topics such as [using a focus group][6] and [designing a survey][7]. Finally, you might want to create an author identifier that allows your work to be linked specifically to you regardless of name or institution changes. For more information on how to create an author identifier visit the [ECU Libraries guide on ORCID and Other Researcher Identifiers][8]. --- **You must comply with ECU, University of North Carolina, and federal requirements related to privacy and data security. This include, but is not limited to, never sharing, posting, or uploading FERPA, HIPPA, or other personal indentifying information. For more information, please see ECU's policies [here](** If you have any questions or concerns regarding copyrights please send your questions to <>. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about OSF or the use of this template please contact us at <>. OSF provides tutorials, FAQs, and support information on [OSF Guides][4]. [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]:
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