# Audience Data
![Audience by Caroline Bittencourt][1]
Individual audience members were able to participate in research data through use of the MusicLab App, accelerometry sensors, and/or surveys. This top level folder contains participant and event information. Data pertaining to audience motion and surveys is in their respective subfolders. This dataset has been filtered for withdrawls (via MusicLab app) and data quality. Participant identifying information (yellow) has been removed or blurred.
## Participant Code
Data pertaining to each participant is here marked with unique participant codes. These codes are composed of six characters, three letters and a three digit number, ex: AEQ079.
Position 1 Attendance condition:
A: Participant attended concert in the hall in Copenhagen
B: Participant attended concert via livestream
Position 2 Questionnaire language condition:
D: The participant answered questions in the Danish language version of the questionnaire
E: The participant answered questions in the English language version of the questionnaire
n: No questionnaire responses are available for this participant
X: No questionnaire data by request (only private data)
Position 3 Motion quality condition:
Q: Motion was recorded via the MusicLab app and time series has been synced to concert time via at least one synchronization cue tap sequence.
R: Motion recorded via AX3 sensor (in hall only) and has been adjusted via either recorded synchronization tap sequence or estimated offset based on sensors initiated at the same time.
S: Motion recorded via the MusicLab app but the time series has not been synced because there were no viable synchronization cues recorded in the series.
T: Motion recorded via AX3 sensor but the time series has not been synced because there were no viable synchronization cues recorded in the series.
U: No recorded motion is available for this participant
V: Only a small amount of motion was recorded via MusicLab app, but it was during a sync cue. These files were excluded from publication but retained as records for tapping sync analysis. (only private data)
The participant numbers were assigned uniquely by sorting the participants according a sequence of criteria:
0. All DeviceID, ascending (Fixed effectively random order)
1. Questionnaire response completeness (descending)
2. Motion quality condition
3. Questionnaire language condition
4. Attendance condition
5. Exclusions
## Participants
This folder contains information about the participant conditions, including the types of data available for each and their locations and social relationships within the participant group.
### Audience Mapping
File "Audience_Mapping_Public.csv"
This file records details on the listening conditions and data sources available about individual audience participants. This data has been depersonalized across sources for protection of privacy. More precise information pertaining to participant locations may be available through collaboration with RITMO.
#### Fields
**Participant_Code:** 6 character string
- Composition of values in fields Attendance, Questionnaire_Language, Motion_Quality, and PartN3
**Participant_Number:** integer
- Unique participant number assigned based on data quality
**Attendance:** Single Letter, A B
- A: attended the event in the concert hall, live
- B: attended the event remotely, over livestream
**Questionnaire_Language:** Single Letter, D E n
- D: answered the Danish language version of the questionnaire
- E: answered the English language version of the questionnaire
- n: no questionnaire responses are available for this participant
**Motion_Quality:** Single Letter, Q R S T U V X
- Q: Motion recorded through MusicLab app, aligned to concert time with sync taps
- R: Motion recorded with AX3 sensor, aligned to concert time with sync taps (live only)
- S: Motion recorded through MusicLab app, but only with device time, not in concert time (no sync taps)
- T: Motion recorded with AX3 sensor, only with device time, not in concert time (not synch taps)
- U: no motion available for this participant
**Link_Conflicts:** binary, 0 1
- 0: there were no errors complicating the connection of data collected form in person participants
- 1: some inference was required to association participant questionnaire responses, seat location, and motion recordings. Greater chance that data sources associated with this participant are not all from the same person.
**Seat_Zone:** Integer
- Depersonalized seating location, indicating which of six seating zones the participant occupied. Front (1,2), middle (3,4), and back (5,6) of house, with odd numbers marking stage left.
**Location:** Text
- Location of remote participants, as they submitted via MusicLab questionnaire
**Longitude_Truncated:** Integer
- Depersonalized Longitude of remote participants, rounding to degree where shared via MusicLab app
**Lattitude_Truncated:** Integer
- Depersonalized Latitude of remote participants, rounding to degree where shared via MusicLab app
**Offset_1:** float, seconds
- The offset of device time to concert time in seconds as identified by the first synchronization cue. Negative indicates the device time values were greater at the sync cue than concert time.
This field is blank or NA if there was no discernible cue or signal at the time of the first sync cue
**Offset_2:** float, seconds
- The offset of device time to concert time in seconds as identified by the second synchronization cue. Negative indicates the device time values were greater at the sync cue than concert time.
This field is blank or NA if there was no discernible cue or signal at the time of the second sync cue
**Watch_Alone:** Binary
- 0: The participant watched the concert in the company of others (remote), people with whom they were familiar (Hall)
- 1: The participant watched the concert alone (remote) or without knowing the audience members around them (Hall)
### Relationships of Adjacent Hall Participants
File "Adjacent_Participants_Hall.csv"
This document lists the relationship between in hall audience participants seated next to each other.
#### Fields
**Participant_Code_1:** 6 character string
- Unique participant code for the first participant listed
**Participant_Code_2:** 6 character string
- Unique participant code for the second participant listed
- The order of participants is arbitrary.
**Familiarity:** Binary
- 0: The pair did not have a preexisting relationship
- 1: The pair were attending the concert together, as friends or family
**Relationship:** Text
- Friend: They reported being friends on the questionnaire
- Family_ParentChild: They reported being related as family, parent and child
- Family_Partner: They reported being related as family, as partners (husband, wife, etc.)
- Stranger: They reported not knowing each other.
### Relationships Near Hall Participants
File "Near_Participants_Hall.csv"
This document lists the relationship between in hall audience participants seated near to each other, within 3 seats.
The Relationship tag includes instances of disagreement in how relationships were reported.
As participants completed this part of the questionnaire while waiting for others to take their seats in the hall, and some participants were more detailed in their reporting than others, we are inclined to interpret relationships in the more familiar term reported.
#### Fields
**Participant_Code_1:** 6 character string
- Unique participant code for the first participant listed
**Participant_Code_2:** 6 character string
- Unique participant code for the second participant listed
- The order of participants is arbitrary.
**Distance:** Float
- 1.0: the pair are direct neighbors in a row
- 2.0: The first participant is seated in front of the second participant (staggered rows)
- -2.0: The second participant is seated in front of the first participant (staggered rows)
- 3.0: The pair are near each other but there is another audience member in between them.
**Familiarity:** Binary
- 0: The pair do not have a preexisting relationship
- 1: The pair are attending the concert together, as friends or family
**Relationship:** Text
- Friend: They reported being friends on the questionnaire
- Family_ParentChild: They reported being related as family, parent and child
- Family_Partner: They reported being related as family, as partners (husband, wife, etc.)
- Stranger: They reported not knowing each other.
- Friend/Stranger: Participants questionnaires disagreed about their relationship, one marking friend the other stranger
- Friend/Absent: Participants questionnaires disagreed about their relationship, one marking friend the other nothing
### Relationships of Adjacent Remote Participants
File "Adjacent_Remote.csv"
Lists the three pairings identified as having watched the livestream while physically together, according to questionnaire responses and geolocation information.
## Timing
This folder contains information about concert events over time, in concert time and the surviving youtube livestream recording https://youtu.be/S4UVJybA6ZQ. This includes files of higher granularity and a more sparse list of major events. Event onsets are within a second or two. If more precise timings are needed, they should be checked against the recording.
"Events_Full.csv" is a detailed list of timestamped event onsets as identified in the livestream recording of the concert experiment. This includes onset of performed pieces, clapping intervals, instructions given to the audience, and intruding events like audience laughter and coughs and outside noises.
"Events_Main.csv" is a more compact list of events in the concert, intended to define intervals of action for the audience.
***CSV Fields***
- Datetime: datetime format (UTC 0:00), event onset times
- Time_s: float seconds, time of measurements in concert time with zero at the first tap of the first synchronisation cue.
- Time_ms: integer ms, time of measurements in concert time with zero at the first tap of the first synchronisation cue.
- Event: Short description of event starting
- Event_Type: Category of event (Synchronisation, Music Performance, Speech, Instructions, Audience Action, Instrusion)
- Time_Stream: float seconds, time stamps of events according to the livestream recording on YouTube https://youtu.be/S4UVJybA6ZQ
- Event_Duration: Duration of event in seconds (Only in Events_Main.csv)
[1]: https://www.uio.no/ritmo/english/projects/musiclab/2021/dsq/photos/bittencourt/dsq-festival-2021-by-caroline-bittencourt-65.jpg "Audience by Caroline Bittencourt"