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**Data, code, and slides for the talk of the same name at the DGPs 2018 conference in Frankfurt.** For a detailed report on the project read chapter 3 of my PhD thesis titled >Detection, Avoidance, and Compensation – Three Studies on Extreme Response Style which can be downloaded here: ---------- ***Feel free to use the dataset for your own studies if useful.*** Due to copyright reasons i can't publicly share the layout of the original questionnaire (which contains items from the FPI-R, NEO-PI-R and MMPI-2 scales). If you need more information about that or have any further comments or questions, feel free to contact me. ---------- **Notes:** - In the appendix of my thesis, you find the references for all the randomly drawn items which were used for the response style indices. - The talk reports analyses which contain a measure of aquiescence response style. This was not yet investigated in my thesis.
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