Second version. First version was missing a photo credit.
"Although libraries have spent many years discussing and preparing for it,
linked data in our library catalogs remains an overwhelming and confounding
technology to many, including the technical services staff creating and
maintaining catalog data. Using a philosophy of project based learning and
iterative experimentation, NCSU Libraries conducted a pilot project to take
astep towards catalog linked data: adding URIs. Many libraries are
preparing their catalogs for linked data by inserting URIs into MARC
records. This is such an important step towards linked data that the
Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) formed a Task Group on URIs in
MARC. This presentation shares the methods and results of a pilot project
with two goals: 1) assess the viability and scalability of adding URIs to
MARC using a) SirsiDynix Symphony APIs, and b) MarcEdit; and 2) engage all
22 members of the Acquisitions & Discovery department in a linked data
project that creates a dataset ripe for further linked data experimentation
while teaching the importance of URIs in an linked data environment. This
project also ties into a larger plan for linked data experimentation and
learning at NCSU libraries."