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**The preprint** Preprint available on biorxiv, . <br><br> **The package** The abc4d package can be downloaded at: For sample data to tryout the package, go to "Data example for abc4d package" in this repository. Documentation for the abc4d package is available at: <br><br> **The experiment** Analyses of this project are available at: An interactive visualization of all processed data is available at: Concerning the thorough protocols of the animal experiments, we did not receive the permission by all people involved in the project to make these publicly available. The files are already stored on this osf page. If you require them, please contact us and you will be granted access. <br><br> **Concerning the data**: - image scans are extremely large (several terabytes). Please contact us directly if you want them. - Annotated c-fos+ cells of all samples are available as .npy files in **data/raw/npy** here on osf in the sub-directory "Experimental Data". - To reproduce our code, copy the whole data folder as here structured in your working directory. - We also make available all **processed data and results**. To reproduce our code, copy the /results/ folder of the "Experimental results" sub-directory as is in your working directory. - For more information about the folder structure, see README file on our github:
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