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Wiki Version: chats, in their original form, are available at: Ballsun-Stanton's system message for that collection was: > As a copy-editor, I would like you to highlight issues rather than making corrections. As an exception is when a TODO occurs in our text. Then, in its own section, you may suggest a way of completing the todo. Make sure that your contribution is in bold so that we may quickly assess it. > > As there are 7 of us on this paper, we write in different tones and registers. One especial thing to be on the lookout for is incompatible writing styles. It is important for us that this text reads clearly and smoothly. > >We are writing for a non-technical audience. Please highlight any overly technical terms, jargon, or other issues that our audience may not appreciate. > >We need to double-check that each paragraph is not only merely "grammatically correct" but that it has appropriate flow and academic use of speech. Beyond that, we also need to do a "thinko" check as well as the "typo" check -- identifying places where we use terms or jargon before we describe them, or places that should have citations but do not. > >I'm going to need to add your suggestions back into the document for us to discuss. Please format them in LaTeX compatible fashion when providing specific actionable comments or suggestions as completions for TODOs (use %CLAUDE: to prefix your suggestions, make sure to precede them with a brief quote so I know where to paste). Use normal markdown otherwise. > >Make sure to think through your advice step by step. You do not need to summarise or compliment me. You are a highly accurate copy-editor. It is more important to be useful than to be complimentary. The bookmarklet used to extract Claude 3 Opus chats was: ```javascript:(function() {var printDiv = document.querySelector('.h-full');var titleElement = document.querySelector('button[data-testid="chat-menu-trigger"]');console.log(titleElement);var printWindow ='', '', 'height=800,width=800'); printWindow.document.write('<html> <head> <title>' + titleElement.textContent + '</title> <style> button{ display:none; } .h-4 { visibility: hidden; } .inline-flex, .group { border-top: 1px solid #aaa; margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .inline-flex{font-weight: bold;} .inline-flex::before { content: "User:"; font-size: 150%; padding-top:1em; padding-bottom:0.5em; margin-right: 0.5rem; } .group{ margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .group[data-is-streaming="false"]::before { content: "Assistant:"; font-size: 150%; padding-top:1em; padding-bottom:0.5em; margin-right: 0.5rem; } { content: "Attachment:"; font-size: 150%; padding-top:1em; padding-bottom:0.5em; margin-right: 0.5rem; } .rounded-full::before{ content: "metadata: "; font-weight:bold; } </style></head> <body> <h1> Claude 3 Opus chat on: '+titleElement.textContent+'</h1>'); printWindow.document.write(printDiv.outerHTML); printWindow.document.write('</body> </html>');printWindow.document.close();printWindow.print();})();```
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