### Online supplementary material
- For the screenshots, items, results, and additional analyses, see "analyses/analyses.pdf".
- For the syntax, see "analyses/analyses.rmd"
- For the data, see "data/data.csv"
### Reproduction of analyses
You can rerun and reproduce all analyses yourself. In order to guarantee long-term reproducibility, we used [checkpoint][1]. Hence, note that when running the r-markdown script, checkpoint locally installs all packages with the same version that we used for the analyses.
#### Requirements
Please make sure that the following software is installed
- [R][2]
- [RStudio][3]
- [Tex][4]
#### Instruction
1. Download all files.
- Preferably, click on "Files" -> "OSF Storage" -> "Download as zip", then unzip in one folder
2. Open the file "privacy calculus and affordances.rproj" using RStudio
3. Open the file "analyses/analyses.rmd"
4. Knit the file (e.g., by pressing ctrl + Shift + K)
- If prompted to update packages, click yes
- The resulting file is "analyses/analyses.pdf"
[1]: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/checkpoint/vignettes/checkpoint.html
[2]: https://www.r-project.org/
[3]: https://www.rstudio.com/
[4]: https://miktex.org/
### License
- This material is licensed using CC BY-NC 4.0.
- You are free to share and adapt the material for noncommercial uses. Please provide short credits (e.g., by citing the article or by linking to this page).
- For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.