Each experiment (there are 4 experiments) has two files, one .html file and one .rmd file, and Experiment 3 has an extra .rmd file.
The .html file is an html version of the notebook file (for those that do not use R). Here you can see the code when you click on the "code" button on the upper right, but also see just all the output and comments throughout. This will be the easiest way to simply view the output that was used in the manuscript/supplemental as well as the code that generated it.
The .rmd file is an rmarkdown notebook that contains the analysis code and comments about the analyses, as reported in the manuscript (as well as the RT, numeracy, and tranformed accuracy). To re-run the analyses yourself, you can download the data from the Data component. Note that the code is currently set up so that the .rmd file and the data files simply need to be in the same current working directory. If you want to change these paths, it's the second code chunk. Also note that the first code chunk loads all the packages I used, but it does not install them. If you do not have one of those packages, you will need to install it first.
There is also a folder called "AnalysesWithoutExcludingOutliers" which contains the same .rmd and .html files for Experiment 1 and 2 but with the analyses based on the data that does not replace the outliers (as was reported in the manuscript).
The extra file, "TotalProbeMTS_cleaning" is the pre-processing document for Experiment 3. Pre-processing for the other experiments was done in Excel, but pre-processing for this experiment followed the same logic, but was done in R, and so that code is provided. More details are inside each document.