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This week I set out to find the macaw parrot that was brought out for a "close encounters" segment, but instead I found a green iguana. I decided to jump on the opportunity to draw a lizard, since I hadn't done one of them yet, and I really enjoyed sketching out the scaly, wrinkly skin that was such a contrast to all the furry animals I've done so far, although the elephant came close in terms of wrinkly-ness. It was also cool because the exhibit is stationed right next to a new "close encounters" hub, and while I was there, they brought out an aardvark, beaver, African white-bellied hedgehog, and a rat. I was able to talk to the handlers about the animals, their care, facts about them, and had some really good conversations about beaver jaw strength and animal mental health. I also took a trip to PLU on Thurday and talked to Spencer Ebbinga about the Capstone Exhibition they have down there this month, which was featured some really cool stuff and I hope to make it to PLU again before it is over. Spencer also allowed me to take a look at his studio and he gave me quick tour of the building, and it was an awesome experience and I really appreciated the time he took to talk to me. It was really inspiring stuff, and I'm glad that this project is allowing me to try new techniques and showing me I need to step out of my comfort zone more often. After talking to Spencer again, I am hoping to add more symbolism to my drawings, and to actually use those tiny lines that he's been telling me about.
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