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## Content of this repository This repository contains preregistration, data, and code for the manuscript "Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation Modulates Neural Correlates of Performance Monitoring in Patients With Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder" by Luisa Balzus, Julia Klawohn, Björn Elsner, Sein Schmidt, Stephan A. Brandt, and Norbert Kathmann. &nbsp; ## Overview In this preregistered study, we investigated the effects of tDCS (transcranial direct current stimulation) on performance monitoring in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and healthy individuals. Cathodal and sham tDCS was applied over the presupplementary motor area (pre-SMA) in two separate sessions, each followed by EEG recording during performance of a flanker task. In this repository, we provide data and scripts used for statistical analyses and figure generation. For further information about the project and the data, please read the **For our project page with analysis code and results of statistical analyses please visit** <> &nbsp; ## Software Information Analyses were conducted with R version 3.6.1 and R Studio version 1.2.5001. &nbsp; ## Data - **./data**: The file 'Single_Trial_Data.rda' in the folder 'data' contains single-trial behavioral and EEG data used for statistical analyses (in .RData format). Information about data and variables are provided in the file ''. To ensure that the participants’ privacy is respected, we can only share single-trial EEG data after preprocessing and epoching since our informed consent documents did not include the possibility of sharing the continuous raw EEG data openly. - **./response_locked_data_for_plots.csv**: The file 'response_locked_data_for_plots.csv' in the folder 'data' contains data used for figure generation (in .csv format). &nbsp; ## Analysis Scripts Annotated analysis code is organized into separate R Markdown files: - **0_Project_and_Data_Description.Rmd**: This script generates an overview over the study and the data set. - **1_Participants.Rmd**: This script generates an overview over demographic and clinical variables. - **2_Behavioral_Data.Rmd**: This script performs behavioral data analysis, including data cleaning, descriptive statistics, and (G)LMM analyses. - **3_ERP_Data.Rmd**: This script performs EEG data analysis, including data cleaning, descriptive statistics, and LMM analyses. - **4_Plots.Rmd**: This script generates figures. The corresponding .html files display the output from running the R Markdown files in HTML format. &nbsp; ## Usage To reproduce statistical analyses, download the source files, open the file 'OCD_tDCS.Rproj' and run `renv::restore()` to automatically install all required packages into the project library.
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