**## Week 1**
• Read OSF page – Wiki, Background information #1, and the Training section
• All modules are found in the Training section/component
• Lectures on what is a systematic review and importance of a study protocol. This is a meta-analysis course taught by two excellent researchers in my field - Dr Tiangjing Li, and Dr Kay Dickerson, both from the Cochrane Collaboration https://www.coursera.org/learn/systematic-review/home/welcome. Sign up and listen to the introductory videos, and the videos in week 5 - Planning the Meta-Analysis and Statistical Methods.
• https://www.coursera.org/learn/systematic-review/home/week/5
o Lecture 1A : Introduction to Systematic Reviews
o Lecture 1B : Introduction to Meta-analysis
o Planning the Meta-Analysis and Statistical Methods
• Read modules (1, 5-7) on what is a systematic review, defining the research question, and eligibility criteria
• Read the modules (1, 5-6) Q&A
• Read PRISMA-P instruction manual and checklist
• **Do Exercise 1: Using the PRISMA-P checklist, assess 2 systematic review protocols (Chan 20-19 and Scott 2017) independently (by yourself)**. Make sure you copy quotes for each item, and why you decided to say it was Yes reported or No, not reported
• Compare your assessments with one other person during the week, and make note of (a) differences between assessments, (b) how it was resolved
• Updload your assessments to the XXX page, and group discussion of the assessments will be on on Monday at 7 pm
**## Week 2**
• Lecture on how to assess the risk of bias of an RCT – make note of any questions
o Risk of bias assessment of RCTs
o Read slides by Dr Aaron Tejani: https://prezi.com/yc2dald8srjo/?token=2e096a27c42ad9f48e5f42b12ed07b359b4608e21d78bc4dae859cf26e87d090&utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy
• Read instructions on how to use the Cochrane risk of bias tool (in files)
• Read module on assessing risk of bias of primary studies (RCTs)
• Read the module Q&A
Watch the lectures on how to assess RCTs by Dr Kay Dickerson:
1. Lecture 4A: Why Bias in the Individual Study is Important to a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis7m:
2. Lecture 4B: Selection Bias18m: https://www.coursera.org/lecture/systematic-review/lecture-4b-selection-bias-Q11Rv
3. Lecture 4C: Information Bias8m: https://www.coursera.org/lecture/systematic-review/lecture-4c-information-bias-kKVCi
4. Lecture 4D: Bias in the Analysis15m: https://www.coursera.org/lecture/systematic-review/lecture-4d-bias-in-the-analysis-Z4fit
5. Lecture 4E: Displaying Study "Quality" in Your Systematic Review16m: https://www.coursera.org/lecture/systematic-review/lecture-4e-displaying-study-quality-in-your-systematic-review-EzDm6
• Read information about Attrition Bias (domain 5)
• **Exercise 2: Assess the risk of bias of 3 RCTs** Make sure you copy quotes for each item, and why you decided to say it was Low risk, high risk, or unclear risk
• Compare your assessments with one other person and make note of (a) differences between assessments, (b) how it was resolved
• Updload your assessments to the XXX page, and group discussion of the assessments will happen Monday
**## Week 3**
Reporting quality in reviews and ‘Risk of bias in Systematic reviews’
• Read modules 8, 11-12, 15
• Read the modules (8, 11-12, 15) Q&A
• Do an online tutorial of your choice (search google) on how to use Excel (use of filters, drop down boxes, ordering, etc)
• Read PRISMA Update instruction manual (in files)
• Watch Matt Page's presentation on the PRISMA Update tool at https://www.ti.ubc.ca/2021/03/23/apr-28-prisma-2020-statement/
• **Exercise 3: PRISMA Update assessment of 1 systematic review (Katchamart – use supplementary files or appendices)** Cite quotes from the reviews to back up your judgments of Yes reported or Not reported
• Lecture on ‘Risk of bias in Systematic reviews’ by me on Monday
o Watch a presentation online on ROBIS by Dr. Penny Whiting: https://youtu.be/jSSCRQa8PTg
o Lunny slides (in files)
• Read ROBIS instruction manual
• Watch videos by Dr Kay Dickerson on meta-bias:
1. https://www.coursera.org/lecture/systematic-review/lecture-5a-standards-for-systematic-reviews-hlYbY
2. https://www.coursera.org/lecture/systematic-review/lecture-5b-selection-bias-pJcQN
3. https://www.coursera.org/lecture/systematic-review/lecture-5c-information-bias-Ohjic
4. https://www.coursera.org/lecture/systematic-review/lecture-5d-bias-in-the-analysis-SjqKR
5. https://www.coursera.org/lecture/systematic-review/lecture-5e-reporting-transparently-98zew
• **Exercise 4: ROBIS assessment of 2 systematic reviews using blank ROBIS template in excel (Gaynes and Normansell – use supplementary files or appendices)** Cite quotes from the reviews to back up your judgments
• Compare Task 1 with your partner and make edits, and then start Task 2 (due in week 6)
• Compare your PRISMA Update and ROBIS assessments with one other person and make note of (a) differences between assessments, (b) how it was resolved
• Upload your exerices to the files, and a group discussion of the assessments on Monday
**## Week 4**
Overviews, resolving discordance among systematic reviews on the same topic
• Watch my lecture on overviews of reviews at (scroll down to watch 45 min video): https://www.ti.ubc.ca/2020/01/31/feb-26-overviews/
• Read the studies of the algorithms/decision trees to assess discordance in a sample of systematic reviews:
• Jadad 1997
• Pollock 2018
• Moja 2015?
• Group meeting on eligibility criteria for overviews included in our project using the excel sheet
**• Exercise 5: Assess an overview by using the attached excel reporting checklist**
**• Exercise 6: Use each of the discordance tools to assess which SRs to choose. **
• Optional read
• Compare your assessments with one other person and make note of (a) differences between assessments, (b) how it was resolved
• Work: XXX
• Group discussion of the assessments and screenings
## June – end of August
• Group meetings at the end of every week
• Week 6 – Task 2 due and compare to your partners
• Week 8-10 (July) your presentations will be due – you will assess the discordance in a group of reviews
• Upload your assessments at the end of the week to OSF in the “assessments” folder
• Attend the Methods Speaker Series which is the last Wednesday of every month remotely
• Last week of August your written report will be due