These are stimuli, data, and analyses from the false memory in picture naming project.
A presentation about this project that was given during the AMLaP 2021 conference is also included.
The file structure is as follows:
Combined_Analysis: the main analyses for the paper across all 3 experiments. Includes tabulated data from each of the experiments so that all files are encapsulated here.
Exp1a: raw data from Expt 1a (typed naming, prototypicality, and familiarity rating experiment) and some analysis for the purpose of item selecton for next 2 experiments.
Exp1b: raw data from Expt 1b (similarity rating experiment), and some analysis thinking about ways to aggregate/measure various properties of interest.
Exp2: raw data from Expt 2 (memory study). Raw audio files are removed for privacy but text files are available.
Expt2_Power: script for power simulations for Experiment 2.
Photos: images used for all 3 experiments, sorted into folders based upon their source.
ZormpaBrehm2021-False-memory-and-the-generation-effect: presentation given during the AMLaP 2021 conference.