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Category: Software

Description: This project provides links to download the Three-Minute Squared Tests of Attention Control: Stroop Squared, Flanker Squared, and Simon Squared We offer three versions of the program: 1) Windows standalone (no E-Prime needed) 2) Mac standalone (no E-Prime needed) 3) E-Prime 3.0 run files Additionally, each download includes an excel file with the trial types used in the task, helpful for programmers who wish to adapt the three Squared tests to new platforms. Downloads also include a figure that can be used in one's Method section. If you use or modify these tasks, we ask that you cite the following work: Burgoyne, A. P., Tsukahara, J. S., Mashburn, C. A., Pak, R., & Engle, R. W. (2023). Nature and measurement of attention control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International

Has supplemental materials for Nature and Measurement of Attention Control on PsyArXiv


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