- All data (per-participant raw segmented data and group-averaged data) is available in the "data" folder.
- The "manuscript" folder contains the paper, written in RMarkdown (the .Rmd file). This file contains the content of the paper (the text) but also all reproducible statistical analyses (in R). For convenience, this folder also contain a .pdf version of the paper.
- The "code" folder contains three R scripts to 1) import the data, 2) compute the AUC, and 3) perform the CSP analyses.
- The "materials" folder contains the PsychoPy file that we used to program and run the experiment as well as the audio stimuli and the randomisation scripts.
- The "power analysis" folder contains the R scripts we used to perform the a priori power analysis.
- The "supplementary materials" folder contains the supplementary materials, written in RMarkdown (the .Rmd file). This file contains the content of the paper (the text) but also all reproducible statistical analyses (in R). For convenience, this folder also contain a .pdf version.